samurai.json Reference

This reference guide may get outdated. If you need to check something, you can read the config interface type.


This is the name of the product that is to be built.

  "name": "Praxive Software"


The name of the company that is building the browser

  "vendor": "Fushra"


A reverse DNS identifier for the browser

  "appId": "com.fushra.browser"


The name of the output binary.

  "binaryName": "praxive"


The host of the update server for updating. This is configured as part of the build command

  "updateHostname": ""


Information about the license the browser will be under. This is used by the Samurai license checker to ensure files have the MPL header if specified.


interface LicenseConfig {
   * What license you intend to put your project under. Currently MPL is the
   * only one supported by the license checker, but if you want implement more
   * please feel free to open a pull request.
   * To disable the license checker, set this type to `unknown`
  licenseType: 'MPL-2.0' | 'unknown'
   * Files to be ignored by the license checker. For default values see the
   * `defaultConfig` variable in the config.ts file
   * These should be rejex tests because compiled regex tests are **really**
   * fast which will stop the license checker from becoming absurdly slow with
   * larger projects
  ignoredFiles: string[]


  "licenseType": "MPL-2.0",
  "ignoredFiles": [".*\\.json"]

Commands that maybe used:

samurai license-check
samurai lc # Alias


Provides information to samurai about the product and version that Samurai is responsible for managing.


enum SupportedProducts {
  Firefox = 'firefox',
  FirefoxESR = 'firefox-esr',
  FirefoxESRNext = 'firefox-esr-next',
  FirefoxDev = 'firefox-dev',
  FirefoxBeta = 'firefox-beta',
  FirefoxNightly = 'firefox-nightly',

interface VersionConfig {
   * What branch of firefox you are forking. e.g. stable ('firefox'), dev ('firefox-dev')
   * , esr ('firefox-esr') etc.
   * For use in code, use {@link SupportedProducts}
  product: SupportedProducts
   * The version of the selected product you are forking
  version?: string


  "version": {
    "product": "firefox",
    "version": "128.0.0"


These are flags that change how parts of Samurai operate.

When set to true, symbolic links will be enabled on Windows. From internal testing, this appears to fail on a majority of computers


An index for each addon. These will be downloaded and configured as part of the download step that samurai performs. You can download extensions from AMO, Github or any URL. Note that the furha-robot will only be able to provide update checking to AMO and Github Extensions.


export interface GithubAddonInfo {
  platform: 'github'
  id: string
  repo: string
  version: string
  fileGlob: string

export interface AMOAddonInfo {
  platform: 'amo'
  id: string
  amoId: string
  version: string

export interface UrlAddonInfo {
  platform: 'url'
  version: string
  id: string
  url: string

export type AddonInfo = GithubAddonInfo | AMOAddonInfo | UrlAddonInfo

type addons = Record<string, AddonInfo>


  "addons": {
    "ublock": {
      "platform": "github",
      "id": "",
      "repo": "gorhill/uBlock",
      "version": "1.43.0",
      "fileGlob": "uBlock0_*.firefox.signed.xpi"
    "tabliss": {
      "platform": "amo",
      "id": "",
      "amoId": "850407",
      "version": "2.6.0"

Commands that use this:

samurai download
samurai updates-addons # Generates update manifests for addons


These are different distrobutions, for example, beta and stable.


export interface ReleaseInfo {
   * The version of your output product. E.g. 1.3.5
  displayVersion: string
  github?: {
    repo: string

  x86?: {
    windowsMar?: string
    macosMar?: string
    linuxMar?: string

export interface BrandInfo {
  backgroundColor: string
  brandShorterName: string
  brandShortName: string
  brandFullName: string
  release: ReleaseInfo

type brands = Record<string, BrandInfo>


  "brands": {
    "stable": {
      "backgroundColor": "#2B2A33",
      "brandShorterName": "Praxive",
      "brandShortName": "Praxive Software",
      "brandFullName": "Praxive Software",
      "release": {
        "displayVersion": "1.0.0",
        "github": {
          "repo": "PraxiveSoftware/browser"
        "x86": {
          "windowsMar": "windows.mar",
          "macosMar": "macosIntel.mar",
          "linuxMar": "linux.mar"
    "beta": {
      "backgroundColor": "#2B2A33",
      "brandShorterName": "Praxive",
      "brandShortName": "Praxive Software",
      "brandFullName": "Praxive Software Beta",
      "release": {
        "displayVersion": "1.0.0-b.0",
        "github": {
          "repo": "PraxiveSoftware/browser"
        "x86": {
          "windowsMar": "windows.mar",
          "macosMar": "macosIntel.mar",
          "linuxMar": "linux.mar"
    "alpha": {
      "backgroundColor": "#2B2A33",
      "brandShorterName": "Praxive",
      "brandShortName": "Praxive Software",
      "brandFullName": "Praxive Software Alpha",
      "release": {
        "displayVersion": "1.0.0-a.1",
        "github": {
          "repo": "PraxiveSoftware/browser"
        "x86": {
          "windowsMar": "windows.mar",
          "macosMar": "macosIntel.mar",
          "linuxMar": "linux.mar"

Note: The displayVersion property in the release key is crucial for the proper functioning of the samurai set brand command. Ensure that it is correctly defined to avoid any errors.


samurai build
samurai package
samurai updates-browser
samurai set brand <brand_name>

Last updated